Saturday, October 20, 2018

Second Quarter

     During the second quarter period, I learned so many things again. I learned again new things about the Internet, HTML, the tags and many more.

     The posting of our activities in all about tags is one of the interesting activity that we did on this quarter. I also encountered some problems, but despite of that i remained calm and strong and did my best to overcome those challenges.

     Again, All big thanks to God because we surpassed another quarter again.

United Nation; Unity

     Each year, we are celebrating the UN Month that reminds the world of their objective to promote respect human rights, gender equality; the advancement of woman, protecting the environment, fighting disease, reducing poverty and many more.

     The United Nation is an international group or organization that contains many nations including our beloved country, Philippines. They joined all together to prevent and avoid war, promote security and social progress. They also develope friendly relation on the nations around the world.

Science: A helpful one

     Every year, we are celebrating the "Science Month" in our beloved school. There are so many fun and challenging activities and contest during this month and there were also many students that were joining.

     Science is really helpful in our society. This can help any nation to develope faster. This can help man to improve agriculture, pollution control, power generation especially education and many more.

     So we must use Science to overcome problems not to create them.

Our Hero.

     My Teacher My Hero. We all know that teaching is the noblest profession. They touch the lives pupils/students and they are helping the young in searching for their self inclination.

     To give salute and importance to all teachers, we should always celebrate their day because they are special not only to us but also in the society. They contribute a lot of help in the community. Atleast an hour they can relax and enjoy and be happy by just celebrating their day.

     Last October 4, we celebrated the teachers day. We give gifts, letters, perform in the stage and others that serves as a sign of our love and thanksgiving in their sacrifices for us.

     We feel happy by seeing our teachers smile and that the program is worth it. We should love our teacher everyday. They have an important role in our life and the society.