Tuesday, January 15, 2019


During the third quarter, I learned again a lot of things or lesson. I discovered again a lot of things like making hyper links, making a web design and more.

The posting of our activities in all about links, inserting frames, and making web design is a very interesting activity that we did on this quarter.

There are also some problems that I encountered again but despite of that I remained positive and strong and did my best to overcome those problems or challenges.

Again, All big thanks to God Almighty because I surpassed another quarter again.

The True Essence

Christmas is a very special season, a season of peace, a season of joy and of great tidings. A season where we celebrate the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ. Jesus is the reason why we celebrate Christmas.

Christmas is not just a season for festivity. It is also a time for contemplation of eternal things. The true Christmas spirit is a spirit of sharing, giving and forgiving.

Nowadays, it is easy to lose sight of the true essence of Christmas. Most of us think just amidst the delicious foods and drinks, good songs and dances and more. But lets not try to forget our Jesus Christ, the one who tought us all what real, genuine and unconditional love is.  As we celebrate this season, we must not forget those people who are helpless, orphans and all those people who were not able to celebrate this season, the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ.