Monday, July 30, 2018

Nutrtion Month 2018: "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat Na Nutrisyon Aanihin"

" Health is Wealth. " A simple word but signifies a big part in our life. It emphasizes that having a healthy body and healthy mind makes us live a healthy and happy living.

Every year we celebrate the "Nutrition Month " in every month of July. The celebration always remind us that having a proper and good nutrition keeps our body smart and live a happy live. This years theme of the Nutrition Month Celebration is " Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin". For me, it is a good for us especially the generation that we give importance in planting vegetables and fruits. Start it to our selves and then encourage and mobilize our fellow to do it.

Nowadays, there are some youngsters that are not fun of eating vegetables. They just prefer junk foods, meat and especially those that we can buy to fast food chains. And that practice makes our body become weak and sickly and not being aware of it. So, the best thing that we can do is to be a vegetable lover to practice and apply it everyday for our own good and benefit. Proper nutrition→ good health→ healthy mind and body→ happy and healthy lifestyle.

Monday, July 9, 2018

A Letter For Our Dearest President

His Excellency
Rodrigo Roa Duterte
President of the Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President,

May this letter find you in good spirit!

I am Honey Rane P. Ridao, 14 years old and a Grade 10 student in Ilocos Sur National High School at Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

I made this letter to extend my appreciation to all the good things you are doing for all the Filipinos. Especially the things you've done in the issue about drugs. I know that you've done so many things on it. There are many drug users in our country. Some are scared because of this threat you've said so they voluntarily surrender their selves on the police stations. Some users are still stubborn, they are still hiding until now so you need give actions on it immediately. But many drug users were killed or died because of this war on drugs, their family are still asking for a justice until now.

It is true that drug users in the Philippines are reducing and that's a good thing but about the killing of drugs users is unjustified especially for their family. But still, thank you for the things that you've done on this issue, War On Drugs. You are such a great leader that must be respected because I know that you only want the best for your country men.

I also want you to know that I am doing my best to follow and obey those ordinances that serves for our own good.

Please continue to take care and serve our beloved country. Please do take care of youself and your health too. God Bless You!

Respectfully yours,
Honey Rane Ridao
Ilocos Sur National High School

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Significance of Celebrating Independence Day

Independence Day. One of the most significant event in our country. This is the day that we honor all the heroes who fought for our freedom.

Independence Day is an important event for us to celebrate. This is the day when our heroes finally get the freedom of our beloved country from the hands of the invaders. We celebrate this to remember and thank them for all their hardships and sacrifices. We respect and honor them for their courage to fight the people or  invaders to come and destroy our nation.

Celebrating Independence Day is a need for us to thank and honor all our heroes. We should continue to celebrate this event. We should continue to respect, honor and thank them for all their hardships just to be able to get the freedom of our country.