Monday, July 30, 2018

Nutrtion Month 2018: "Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat Na Nutrisyon Aanihin"

" Health is Wealth. " A simple word but signifies a big part in our life. It emphasizes that having a healthy body and healthy mind makes us live a healthy and happy living.

Every year we celebrate the "Nutrition Month " in every month of July. The celebration always remind us that having a proper and good nutrition keeps our body smart and live a happy live. This years theme of the Nutrition Month Celebration is " Ugaliing Magtanim, Sapat na Nutrisyon Aanihin". For me, it is a good for us especially the generation that we give importance in planting vegetables and fruits. Start it to our selves and then encourage and mobilize our fellow to do it.

Nowadays, there are some youngsters that are not fun of eating vegetables. They just prefer junk foods, meat and especially those that we can buy to fast food chains. And that practice makes our body become weak and sickly and not being aware of it. So, the best thing that we can do is to be a vegetable lover to practice and apply it everyday for our own good and benefit. Proper nutrition→ good health→ healthy mind and body→ happy and healthy lifestyle.