Friday, March 8, 2019


     In our everyday lives, change is a really part. We have our own personality and own perception to everything we encounter. But what matters the most is on how can we deal in every situation we are involved. Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing him/herself. We must strive to make changes to our lives to improve ourselves. But often we fall short of understanding the importance of making changes not just to our own individual life but for the rest of the world too.

     If I want to have something or if I have a goal that I need to achieve, I myself must do the first effort in doing what is good and what is right for the best outcome. I know I am not perfect , I am a human and I am doing mistakes in my daily living. But I am responsible to my actions. That is why I realized sometimes that I need to change what I can not control. Like my attitude and behavior sometimes I can not control my emotion in responding to some instance. I easily get angry and that results to me to become disrespectful to anybody. I want to change that attitude of mine. I know its not that easy but I know I can as long as I want. That always reminds me that change starts with me.

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