Thursday, August 9, 2018

First Quarter

In the first quarter, I learned so many things and lessons. I knew the different components, inventors and importance of internet. I learned how to make a my own blogs account and on how to make and post a blog. And lastly is about Searching Engines, on how to use the different ways and steps on how to search.

I have encountered some problems or obstacles during the said quarter. One is the lack of time because on our other subjects, there are also many requirements to be pass on time so sometimes there are some requirements or outputs that we cant do because we don't have too much enough time to do it. And also sometimes I just want to give up because there are so many requirements and quizes.

It is very challenging but I stand to be strong and confident. Despite all the obstacles/challenges, I did my best to continue the fight and did not stop. Above all, big thank to God.