Friday, August 24, 2018

Stand Strong

     The Philippines is known as a disaster prone country. The Philippine islands are part of the so called Pacific Ring of Fire and area encircling the Pacific Ocean where earthquakes and volcanic eruption occur because of the movements of tectonic plates or segments of the earth's crust. Average of 20 typhoons a year that may cause too much damage and a big impact in every lives of Filipinos. There are five common disasters that are happening in the Philippines, a typhoon, earthquake, El Nino, La Nina and volcanic eruption.

     Disasters and Calamities can affect our life as a Filipino but it can also serve as a challenge for us to be more stronger and to fight for every problem or hazards that we may encounter.

     We, Filipinos are known to be a resilient despite of all those bad events we are having or have been through. In every struggle, disaster, calamity or anything that made our life in danger, we still stand strong and able to get up being more stronger.

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